
An educational blog dedicated to discussion and commentary on art in a historical context, as well as sharing related images of interest.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Baron Antoine-Jean Gros (1804 A.D.)
Napoleon Bonaparte Visiting the Plague-Stricken in Jaffa
Oil on canvas

  This romanticized depiction of Napoleon's visit to plague victims in Jaffa is typical of the period's devotion to classical works and biblical symbolism. Napoleon reaches out in a Christ-like manner--that of miraculous healing--to touch the wounds of one sufferer while others lay contorted, stretched upon the floor. Gros includes a sick man propped up close to Napoleon as another depiction of Christ, reminiscent of classical renderings from crucifixion scenes. The placement of classical architecture--such as the Egyptian style arch in the left portion of the piece--is a notable element of the Romantic style of painting. Gros' use of rich color palettes and soft brush strokes are utilized by many of his contemporary Romanticists as well.

Enlightenment style

John Singleton Copley (1768-1770 A.D.)
Portrait of Paul Revere
Oil on canvas

  Copley demonstrates his skill in portraiture with this lifelike depiction of Revere at work as a silversmith. Great attention to minute detail, such as the reflection on the tabletop and texture of clothes, exemplifies his work. Like his contemporary Joseph Wright of Derby, Copley utilized a dark shadowy background to highlight the subject, who seemed bathed in a soft, natural light. This use of sharp focus and relaxed subjects is typical of the Enlightenment style during the 18th century.